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A Distributed Framework for Early Trending Topics Detection on Big Social Networks Data Threads." In Advances in Big Data: Proceedings of the 2nd INNS Conference on Big Data, October 23-25, 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece, edited by Plamen Angelov, Yannis Manolopoulos, Lazaros Iliadis, Asim Roy and Marley Vellasco, 186-194. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
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MultiSpot: Spotting Sentiments with Semantic Aware Multilevel Cascaded Analysis." In Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery, edited by Sanjay Kumar Madria and Takahiro Hara, 337-350. Vol. 9263. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9263. Springer International Publishing, 2015.
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Presentation (488.64 KB)

New Trends in Database and Information Systems II - Selected papers of the 18th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems and Associated Satellite Events, ADBIS 2014 Ohrid, Macedonia, September 7-10, 2014 Proceedings II In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Edited by Nick Bassiliades, Mirjana Ivanovic, Margita Kon-Popovska, Yannis Manolopoulos, Themis Palpanas, Goce Trajcevski and Athena Vakali. Vol. 312. 312. Springer, 2015.
Collaborative event annotation in tagged photo collections." Multimedia Tools Appl. 70 (2014): 89-118.
"EmoTube: A Sentiment Analysis Integrated Environment for Social Web Content." In WIMS, edited by Rajendra Akerkar, Nick Bassiliades, John Davies and Vadim Ermolayev, 20. ACM, 2014.
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New Trends in Databases and Information Systems, 17th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems In ADBIS (2), Edited by Barbara Catania, Tania Cerquitelli, Silvia Chiusano, Giovanna Guerrini, Mirko Kämpf, Alfons Kemper, Boris Novikov, Themis Palpanas, Jaroslav Pokorny and Athena Vakali. Vol. 241. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 241. Genoa, Italy: Springer, 2014.
New Trends in Databases and Information Systems, 17th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems In ADBIS (2), Edited by Barbara Catania, Tania Cerquitelli, Silvia Chiusano, Giovanna Guerrini, Mirko Kämpf, Alfons Kemper, Boris Novikov, Themis Palpanas, Jaroslav Pokorny and Athena Vakali. Vol. 241. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 241. Genoa, Italy: Springer, 2014.
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems In T. Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems, Edited by Abdelkader Hameurlain, Josef Küng, Roland Wagner, Barbara Catania, Giovanna Guerrini, Themis Palpanas, Jaroslav Pokorny and Athena Vakali. Vol. 8920. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8920. Springer, 2014.
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems In T. Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems, Edited by Abdelkader Hameurlain, Josef Küng, Roland Wagner, Barbara Catania, Giovanna Guerrini, Themis Palpanas, Jaroslav Pokorny and Athena Vakali. Vol. 8920. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8920. Springer, 2014.
Compact and Distinctive Visual Vocabularies for Efficient Multimedia Data Indexing." In ADBIS, edited by Barbara Catania, Giovanna Guerrini and Jaroslav Pokorny, 98-111. Vol. 8133. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8133. Springer, 2013.
C92.pdf (496.34 KB)
Compact and Distinctive Visual Vocabularies for Efficient Multimedia Data Indexing." In ADBIS, edited by Barbara Catania, Giovanna Guerrini and Jaroslav Pokorny, 98-111. Vol. 8133. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8133. Springer, 2013.
C92.pdf (496.34 KB)
Semi-supervised Concept Detection by Learning the Structure of Similarity Graphs." In MMM (1), edited by Shipeng Li, Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik, Meng Wang, Tao Mei, Nicu Sebe, Shuicheng Yan, Richang Hong and Cathal Gurrin, 1-12. Vol. 7732. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7732. Springer, 2013.
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Evolving social data mining and affective analysis methodologies, framework and applications." In IDEAS, edited by Bipin C. Desai, Jaroslav Pokorny and Jorge Bernardino, 1-7. ACM, 2012.
C88.pdf (219.74 KB)
CERTH @ MediaEval 2011 Social Event Detection Task." In MediaEval, edited by Martha Larson, Adam Rae, Claire-Helene Demarty, Christoph Kofler, Florian Metze, Raphaël Troncy, Vasileios Mezaris and Gareth J. F. Jones. Vol. 807. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 807., 2011.
C84.pdf (155.83 KB)
City exploration by use of spatio-temporal analysis and clustering of user contributed photos." In ICMR, edited by Francesco G. B. De Natale, Alberto Del Bimbo, Alan Hanjalic, B. S. Manjunath and Shin’ichi Satoh, 65. ACM, 2011.
"Cluster-Based Landmark and Event Detection for Tagged Photo Collections." IEEE MultiMedia 18 (2011): 52-63.
J46.pdf (882.09 KB)
Combining Multi-modal Features for Social Media Analysis." In Social Media Modeling and Computing, edited by Steven C. H. Hoi, Jiebo Luo, Susanne Boll, Dong Xu and Rong Jin, 71-96. Springer, 2011.
"Community Detection in Collaborative Tagging Systems." In Community-Built Databases, edited by Eric Pardede, 107-131. Springer, 2011.
"Community Detection in Collaborative Tagging Systems." In Community-Built Databases, edited by Eric Pardede, 107-131. Springer, 2011.
"Detecting the long-tail of Points of Interest in tagged photo collections." In CBMI, edited by José M. Martinez, 235-240. IEEE, 2011.
C78.pdf (236.62 KB)
Leveraging Massive User Contributions for Knowledge Extraction." In Next Generation Data Technologies for Collective Computational Intelligence, edited by Nik Bessis and Fatos Xhafa, 415-443. Vol. 352. Studies in Computational Intelligence 352. Springer, 2011.
"Massive Graph Management for the Web and Web 2.0." In New Directions in Web Data Management 1, edited by Athena Vakali and Lakhmi C. Jain, 19-58. Vol. 331. Studies in Computational Intelligence 331., 2011.
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Summarization Meets Visualization on Online Social Networks." In Web Intelligence, edited by Olivier Boissier, Boualem Benatallah, Mike P. Papazoglou, Zbigniew W. Ras and Mohand-Said Hacid, 475-478. IEEE Computer Society, 2011.
C85.pdf (225.88 KB)
Utilization-Aware Redirection Policy in CDN: A Case for Energy Conservation." In ICT-GLOW, edited by Dieter Kranzlmller and Min A Tjoa, 180-187. Vol. 6868. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6868. Springer, 2011.
C80.pdf (159.45 KB)
Automatic extraction of structure, content and usage data statistics of web sites." In HT, edited by Mark H. Chignell and Elaine G. Toms, 301-302. ACM, 2010.
C77.pdf (643.99 KB)